
How to Create Online CV and Resume

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June 20, 2017

11:59 am


There are various ways for creating online CV and Resume. We recommend to create an online CV using one of our WordPress themes. We will show some basic tips of creating online CV in example of Certy. What you need to remnember is that you need to show yourself in professional and eye catching way despite all weakneces. So the purpose of the online CV is to underline your strongest skills and points, show achievements and provide positive and professional impression on your future Employer.

  • Make an accurate and attractive couple photos of you and use in certy as first image and hover image. For example: 1st photo can be image of you with professional look and second image can be image with smile which may have positive effect on employer
  • Welcome to visitors of your online CV and tell briefly about online CV and what they will find here or why you have created it
  • Create a structure of your site in mind, write down on paper or somwhere else, you need to have structurized and logical data
  • Need to understand you need to create resume with all sections on one page or you will have different section in different pages
  • In case of one page resume structure may be following => About me => Personal Information => Professional Skills => Work Experience => Education => Achievements => Portfolio => Contact me or call to action button
  • It is important to add some call to action button or contact section to the end of your page
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